« Women in Football : needs and challenges » (Sciences Po Paris), le 24/06/19
Publié le 22 juin 2019Le 24 juin 2019, j’aurai le plaisir d’intervenir dans la conférence (en anglais) sur les enjeux du football pour les femmes (« Women in Football, needs and challenges ») organisée par le Laboratoire Présage, dédié aux questions de genre, à Sciences Po Paris, à l’occasion de la Coupe du monde féminine de football.
France is hosting the 2019 Women’s World Cup. Sciences Po’s Gender Studies Programme (PRESAGE) and Women in Sports Law non-profit association welcome this opportunity to initiate a day of dialogue and conversation on women in football.
Representatives from several national and international football governing bodies will engage in a dialogue with players, researchers, journalists and associations. Morning speakers will shed light on specifics needs and challenges for equality and media exposure of women’s football. The afternoon session will be dedicated to identifying leverage actions to guarantee equal access to sporting activities and set gender parity within football governing bodies.
10:00am · Welcome address, by Hélène Périvier and Patricia Moyersoen
10:30am · Introductory roundtable: Women in Football: needs and challenges
- Alexandra Gómez Bruinewoud, FIFPro Senior Legal Counsel in the Netherlands
- Brigitte Henriques, Vice-President of the French Football Federation and Vice-President of the Organizing Commitee of FIFA Women World Cup
- Angela Melo, UNESCO Director Division of Ethics, Youth and Sport
- Karolina Skrzypczyk, Attorney in Law in Poland, active player at AZS Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Honey Thaljieh, FIFA Corporate Communications manager, co-founder and first captain of Women’s Football in Palestine
11:30am · Footballeuses: quelle visibilité dans l’espace public et médiatique ?
- Sarah Boudaoud, étudiante à Sciences Po, joueuse au FF Issy-les-Moulineaux
- Cécile Chartrain, fondatrice et co-présidente de l’association Les Dégommeuses
- Clarisse Costaz, Paris 2024 cheffe de projet nouveaux sports et programmes olympiques et paralympique, ex-basketteuse de haut-niveau
- Brigitte Henriques, Vice-President of the French Football Federation and Vice-President of the Organizing Commitee of FIFA Women World Cup
Facilitator: Margot Dumont, journalist beIn Sport
12:30pm · Lunchtime
2:30pm · Sport For All: what levers of action towards equal access to sporting activities?
- Gigi Alford, Lawyer in Switzeland, Head of Sport and Human Rights at the World Players Association
- Carole Gomez, research fellow at IRIS on international sports issues
- Marie-Cécile Naves, PhD, political scientist, Director of studies of Sports & Citizenship Think Tank
- Samantha Raymann, FIFA Corporate Legal Counsel in Switzerland
- Maryam Shojaei, Founder of My Fundamental Right « NoBan4Woman »
Facilitator: Tayba Jawad, WISLaw member from Spain/UK
3:30pm · Cracking the glass ceiling in football management and governance
- Moya Dodd, Lawyer in Australia, WISLaw Honorary President
- Marie-Hélène Patry, Co-Head at Première Ligue
- Hélène Périvier, senior economist at OFCE, director of Sciences Po Gender Studies Programme
- Sarah Solémalé, FIFA’s Member Associations Governance Services manager
Facilitator: Patricia Moyersoen, WISLaw member from France
4:45pm · Conclusive remarks, by Sarah Boudaoud and Moya Dodd